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BRTV Drives Online Traffic

Ecommerce retailers often complain about being held to ransom by Google each month. We hear this a lot when they’re forced to increase their online ad spend to generate qualified leads or sales.

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10 Important DRTV Rules

DRTV is all about getting:The Creative Message in the Right Ad Break at the Right Time of Day at the Right Media Price

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DRTV in Europe

The EU is over 50 years old and what began as a treaty between 6 founding countries now includes 28 member states with a total population of circa 511 million until the UK’s BREXIT vote in 2016.

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DRTV = Effective

Traditional TV advertising continues to make way for DRTV (Direct Response TV), the offspring that has matured rapidly to take a grown-up share of the UK broadcast TV ad market.

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Do Infomercials Work?

The use of American made Infomercials is something that UK TV audiences have only just got used to seeing on their screens over the last 3-4 years.

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DRTV in the UK

“The more you tell the more you sell!”

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DRTV (Direct Response TV) is often seen as the poor relation of traditional high budget Brand advertising but in the past 5 years the increased use of the internet by consumers has narrowed the gap.

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How to make Successful Infomercials

The most important factor for the success of any infomercial is the time that you take to talk about the product.

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TV Works Every Time

Over many years TV offers advertisers the best methods for measuring audience demographics plus tracking the age, sex, status and the interests of viewers watching specific programmes on selected TV channels.

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Use BRTV to Maximise Online Sales

How we helped a dynamic online company to signficantly grow sales.

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